Welcome to the Archives. Listed here are materials and downloads from my old project files, research work, and digital civics project website. This area is currently developing, as files are migrated to their new home.

From the One City, One Book and Digital Civics website
Originally set up to house information about the digital civics pedagogy project (Dublin 2010) to the public, and participants, files have now been transferred for archive here.
My thanks Kirk O’Connell, who was the webmaster for the original site.
What is “Digital Civics” and WHY are we doing this??
This public document presents what digital civics is, and explains to the public what the Dublin 2010 project is all about. Originally available on the Oscar Wilde project site from 2010 as part of the preparatory and public materials for the project.
Suggested citation:
Clements, E. (2010). What is “Digital Civics” and WHY are we doing this??. One City One Book and Digital Civics. Retrieved From Digital Civics Archived Materials, digitalcivics.org/
Digital Media Convergence and the Challenge for Media Educators: Applying Floridi’s theoretical framework to digital civics in pedagogy
The confirmation paper for my original PhD research project. This paper was made available on the original Oscar Wilde project site.
Suggested citation:
Clements, E. (2009). Digital Media Convergence and the Challenge for Media Educators: Applying Floridi’s theoretical framework to digital civics in pedagogy. Confirmation paper, Dublin Institute of Technology.

From the Irish Youth Media Development Conference
Files and materials associated with the inaugural Irish Youth Media Development conference ‘Youth, Media, Democracy’ from its old website.
My thanks Kirk O’Connell, who was the webmaster for the original site.
Youth Media Democracy Conference proceedings
These conference proceedings contain a selection of papers from the conference and a foreword discussing the event’s origins.
Suggested citation:
Irish Youth Media Development (2009). Youth Media Democracy; Perspectives on new media literacy. Centre for Social and Educational Research. Dublin Institute of Technology.
IYMD Conference Press Release
Media information on the 2008 Irish Youth Media Development conference describing the event structure and invited speakers.
Suggested citation:
Irish Youth Media Development. (2008). Youth Media Democracy Press Release.