For a listing of Journal Articles, please see the Academic Publications page.

Clements, E. (2020, April 1). Humorous History: Bram Stoker’s Wilde Side. Active History, History Matters. University of Saskatchewan & Huron University College. Canada.
– Reprinted (2020, November 9) by The Good Men Project
“Mapping the unknown”. NEURISA Day 2021: Transforming GIS. NEURISA. September 2021. (Poster/WebApp).
“Digital Convergence and its impact on teaching and knowledge management”. KSS Deanery, Hastings. November 2012 (Invited Presentation)
“In the footsteps of Oscar Wilde: how history can help us understand and encourage digital citizenship” Arts Research: Publics and Purposes. Gradcam. Feb 2010 (Conference Panel)
“The uses of new media for practical distance learning by Canadian students”, Youth Media Democracy, Irish Youth Media Democracy, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin 2009 (Conference Paper)
Clements, E. (2009). Bram Stoker’s Wedding. Dublin One City, One Book, Dublin City Library and Archives: First performed April 2009, St Ann’s Church, Dublin, Ireland.
An internationally covered play based on archival research I conducted about the love triangle between Oscar Wilde, Bram Stoker, and Stoker’s wife Florence Balcombe, as a flagship event for a city-council literacy project pursuing (successfully) UNESCO City of Literature status.
Clements, E. (2017). Digital Civics in Pedagogy: A response to the challenges of digital convergence in the educational environment (Doctoral thesis). Dublin Institute of Technology.
This interdisciplinary research formulates a robust foundational framework for digital civics through the development of underpinning philosophical, ethical, and historical concepts. It then enacts a functioning example of a digital civics pedagogy project. Combining this theoretical and practical research, a model for digital civics in pedagogy is developed.
Clements, E. (2007). The impact of shame upon the medicine of ancient Greece: An investigation into visibility, sexuality and medical practise (Master’s thesis). Newcastle University.
Examines issues of visibility and public perception in the practise of ancient Greek medicine, and the implications of this on the formation of foundational approaches in western medicine.
Clements, E. (2003). The Movement of Medical Knowledge Through the Ancient Near East and Greece (Undergraduate thesis). Acadia University.
Focuses on knowledge transference and the communication of scientific information between Ancient Sumer, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Greece.